Tuesday, January 30, 2007

To Be 8 Again..

You know what I miss most about being a kid? Laughing at the top of my lungs, running without any inhibitions, falling without embarressment, eating anything I pleased, having meals ready on the table without me having to think about it, digging up grass and hunting for bugs and worms just to gross out mom, getting pampered when I fell sick with hot chicken noodle soup and lots of gingerale, my mom's fingers running through my hair to put me to sleep, waking up excited about a new day, exploring just about anything, having water fights and not worrying about wearing a white tee-shirt and getting soaked, fighting over a toy and then getting bored of it and sharing cookies, loving going to school, using my imagination, thinking love was a funny word and not being afraid of anything in life!...


Anonymous said...

Tell me about it...

Anonymous said...

i miss all that too!!! :( two faithful readers u already have here, haan? :) hey, bungi, hi!!

Anonymous said...

Yo! Roxy, we meet again!!!

Yeah man, you already have two regular faithful readers. Better keep this thing going regularly. Meanwhile check out my blog too. Click on my name to go there.