Sunday, May 6, 2007

Whats Luck Got To Do With It

'Luck', what a funny word! What does it mean? Who invented it? Consider all the amazing things you have in your life (that which is precious to you), would you say that you are 'lucky' to have happiness and be in the place you are or can you associate it to something greater? Now consider fate or destiny..they are all related on a certain level...and basically indicate that things fall into place when the time is right and that no matter what happens there is a reason. I'm a strong believer that there is a purpose for everything...

We were sitting with friends and talking about how you reach a place in your life where your life could go on either my case...I could have ended up going to England ('could' being the key word here), but instead didn't receive the scholarship to Oxford and ended up studying in India...Well, as fate would have it...because of that I met my husband and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Yes, fate has a funny way of making life figure it itself out! Hee hee :-)

1 comment:

Bungz said...

I am trying to learn it in my heart that happiness and contentment is actually linked to the attitude and not really to circumstances...

Welcome back!

And by the way, you are tagged in my blog.