Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When I Grow Up...

If you were put on centre stage…. spotlight beaming, caressing you and blinding you at the same time…. subject to vulnerability to a crowd of yourself at various stages of your life…. what do you think they would do? How would they look at you? What would they say? Essentially how would you judge yourself? Are you where you wanted to be? Are you who you want to be? Are you the person you strove to become? If you’re not sure, have you asked yourself these questions?

I was thinking of how I was at different ages of my life…what made me happy, what made me scared and what I wanted to be. If you ask children what they want to be when they grow up it’s always either, a doctor, policeman, firefighter, teacher, nurse, etc. Now how many of them actually grow to be what they wanted? Ah, now there’s something to think about…

You see, the one commonality between these professions is that they all wanted to help, serve other people! As children we wanted to be the best we could, wanted to feel good by somehow contributing to society, making others feel better, helping the world. Somewhere along the way we lose ourselves. Call it circumstances, call its influence, call it indulgence, but we lose the person we are on the inside and ‘create’ someone else on the outside. If you think of it, we are all the same as we were when we were 10, just with more education and skills. Because though life seemed confusing as a child, it’s even more terrifying as an adult…that’s why it’s all the more important to listen to your heart, dance like nobody’s watching, and laugh like you did without an inhibitions. It’s never too late to grow to be the child you wanted to be…

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